Team Leader Virtualization & Storage introduces himself!
My name is Dario Furigo. I’m the teamleader of the Storage & Virtualization team. As the name suggests, my team’s primary focus is storage and virtualization, but we’re also involved in backup, computing, and Linux.
I’ve been working at ITpoint for five years now. Prior to joining the company, I worked as a Linux engineer for a technology vendor, and before that, I acquired a wide range of specialized knowledge during my apprenticeship.
My specialities include NetApp storage, VMware virtualization, and Linux. I’m also part of a programme called NetApp United, an international community of technology enthusiasts who try to help others through blogging and active participation in forums.
Outside of my work at ITpoint, I am working on my bachelor’s degree in IT security at the Bern University of Applied Sciences. I enjoy watching ice hockey and have even attended a few world championships. I’m also an avid squash player.
In addition to the many exciting projects I’m working on at ITpoint, I am intensively involved in the development and operation of our Shared Cloud Environment (SCE), as well as our dedicated private clouds. For example, we help our service desk and other teams with infrastructure challenges and assist the solution design team in developing new solutions.
Currently, I am working on various topics, such as container, object storage, the public cloud, hyper converged infrastructure, software defined networking and software defined storage. I am helping ITpoint integrate these topics into our portfolio and offer them as a service to our customers. We also always try to combine these kinds of topics with the evolution of our cloud environment, a major part of our ORIA Prime Managed Services. In my experience, it is especially important to be able to see the difference between short-term hype and promising technology. I am here to offer technical support to both the ITpoint team and our customers.
With my arsenal of specialized expertise, I am able to support ITpoint and its customers in various matters and help them move forward. Naturally, my thirst for new knowledge and skills comes in handy in this respoect. Many of my fields of interest have been growing in popularity and acceptance – so one thing’s for sure, I won’t get bored!
A lot has changed in my field lately. Everything is evolving. New technologies are emerging to complement our cloud infrastructure and replace old ones. The topic of infrastructure security is now more important than ever. I find all these developments extremely fascinating and am looking forward to the challenges the future will bring.