The path from EDP to Managed IT Services
Things were a lot simpler and more manageable back in the days when ICT was still known as EDP. We didn't think so at the time but, looking back, that's how it was. So, what happened?
Things were a lot simpler and more manageable back in the days when ICT was still known as EDP. We didn’t think so at the time but, looking back, that’s how it was. So, what happened?
The demands placed on the «IT tool» have grown enormously. Ever more data needs to be processed at ever greater speeds. The demand for more performance and storage space is omnipresent. Hardware, for instance, is replaced or extended practically every three years. We are moving away from megabytes and gigabytes towards terabytes and petabytes with a factor of no less than 1’000’000 between them. Nowadays, system extensions are not such a big problem thanks to virtualisation technology. Computer performance and storage space can be extended comparatively cheaply. The challenges have changed.
We recognised early on that complexity would grow continuously with these demands. Our first customers were no longer able to meet requirements with their own resources. How do I maintain operations around the clock? How can my IT staff know what to do in the event of an emergency? Who will stand in if an employee goes on vacation or falls ill? One option would be to employ more specialists. But there are a few obstacles in the way: Can I find these employees? Have I got enough interesting projects to keep them occupied? Can I afford it? I don’t believe that all these questions can be answered with a «yes». The logical consequence is to obtain resources in the form of external services.
10 years ago, we responded to precisely these customer requirements and developed the first standard services. These services were very well received by our customers and the demand for them grew continuously, which in turn motivated us to define ever more. We took up the challenge and consistently aligned our strategy with the provision of managed services.
At the time, however, we didn’t really understand what that meant. Understanding the concept of service and to live by it consistently is a long transition. It involves a lot of energy and staying power.
We chose to pursue this route and became established over the years. Our choice demanded organisational adjustments, the definition of new teams, new contract models (SLAs), the use of new software and a review of legislative aspects. We have reached a high level of maturity accompanied by the introduction of an IT Service Management System and the acquisition of ISO 20000 certification.
The formation of our proprietary service brand «ORIA Prime Managed Services» gives our services a uniform appearance. We orchestrate different services to create an expedient and meaningful whole. We supply many of our ORIA elements from a proprietary infrastructure with a geo-redundant design.
Would we do it all again had we known 10 years ago what we were letting ourselves in for? Yes, we would do it all again. Facing change with a vision is both pleasurable and hugely motivating. To see our employees participating in the process to provide the best possible service to our customers fills me with pride!
We engage with continuous change and, hopefully, also with you as your «Trusted Advisor».