Is Office 365 right for your business?
From scepticism to curiosity, from curiosity to intensive testing and pilot projects, Office 365 is now firmly anchored in our portfolio as a supplement to our managed services and ORIA cloud concept. Is Office 365 right for your company? We’ve spent a lot of time getting to know the programme, so you don’t have to.
Teams for internal and external exchange, a replacement for landline telephones, a social networking tool for company-wide communication called Yammer—these are just a few of the exciting new tools in the O365 package. Suffice it to say that Office 365 is much more than Microsoft Word and Excel in new packaging.
The functional richness and the integration of the individual tools are incredible; O365 takes communication and collaboration to a whole new level. That said, implementation can be tricky. There are a few stumbling blocks that could make any CSO or compliance manager’s hair stand on end.
Luckily, you can skip the headaches of implementing Office 365 from scratch. Over the last few months, we’ve gained enough knowledge and experience to have you up and running in no time. Let us come to you! In a 2-3-hour meeting at your workplace, we will:
1. discuss your current situation
2. present the O365 packages and the basic functions of the tools and license models
3. discuss your requirements and specifications
4. sketch out the O365 solution scenarios for your company
5. decide on a further course of action
Interested? Contact us or your personal advisor to make an appointment.